Marketing-Ad & PR Agency
About Our Agency
Advertising & Pr Agency

We are an independent, creative and hard-working team!
Our mission is to influence, experience, move and inspire. We give our best to help our clients grow their business with every way we can!


Joanna-Irene Babouri

Nick Chalkias

Mary Papalani

Our Services
We offer a variety of marketing services to our clients.
  1. Native Ads
  2. Mobille Ads
  3. Video Ads
  4. Search Engine Ads
  5. Pop-Up Ads
  6. e-Mail Ads
  7. Social Media Advertising
Social Media

With our expertise, your company will acquire a social media presence that will suit your needs.

Public Relations
We aim to maintain good media relations and public image of your business, build brand awareness, and engage with potential brand promoters – from sponsors to influencers.
  • New Era
    We are a startup company and we have so many ideas to share with you. The success of our company depends on the success of yours.
  • Mutual Contributions
    Cooperations with our clients are not just a professional contact, but a mutual interaction.
  • Creativity
    We are Gen-Z and that means fresh ideas, spirit of creativity, innovative methods and of course, goal achievement. 
  • Reliability
    Our primary objective is to earn your trust, so we cooperate successfully. At first, we try to understand your brand and then we make a customer-focused plan, in order to make sure that we have the best results.
  • Focus on you
    Our priority is the relations with the customers. You choose to work with us and we want to ''built'' relationships of trust, willingness, respect and proffesionalism with you.
  • Fair business
    We are not a big and popular agency and we understand that you want to cooperate with low cost. The prices are proportional to the season. The most important issue for us, is that we love to work for you and for ourselves. 
podcasting in marketing strategy
For brands, podcasting is a unique opportunity to connect the way the audience wants, while supporting the overall marketing strategy. As long as the content remains valuable, you can also build a strong community of engaged listeners. Other-View team released a podcast in order to introduce podcasting and its opportunities.

Do you belong in gen z? Are you a digital native but you haven't dealt with podcasts, although you have heard of them almost everywhere? In this Podcast, Nick, from Other-View, is going to simply explain you what a podcast is, how it works, why you relate with most of them and their content as well as why you should give them a chance!

In association with


Apps are everywhere these days. In fact, we’re now entering into the application economy, the name given to the massive boom surrounding mobile apps and the way they’re changing how business works. Most businesses now have an app for their service.
The gaming app industry is also a massive economy. Marketers can use quizzes for instance to communicate with their audience.

Why do we choose quizzes?

  1. Quizzes help you learn!
  2. They are Fun!
  3. Quizzes are a great way to relax!

The Other-View team got creative and made three different Quizzes.

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This website is part of an educational program in Panteion University.

Department of Communication, Media & Culture


Advertising & Public Relations Lab

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